Why are the Minyanim not yet advertised on your website ?
We can only advertise after receiving reliable information about an organized Minyan Please note that in many area's Minyanim are organized spontaneous but from our experience, wherever kosher food is provided there is a Minyan as well
What is the kashrus for the milk & yogurts ?
The milk and yogurts are under the strict supervision of Rabbi Margulies from Vienna
Is there a possibility to buy kosher products in a branch not listed on your Mpreis list? And what's regarding Kosher bread ?
It's possible but only if there is a demand for a large group we could then discuss the options with Mpreis . Kosher bread is organized by Kehilas Machsike Hadass of Vienna and is under their supervision. The bread can be bought in all Mpreis branches but must be preordered For further info regarding Kosher Bread please email; kosherbrot@gmail.com
Which kosher products are available at Mpreis and on the mountain restaurants ?
Summer 2022, We will provide Mpreis with kosher milk & yogurts ,yellow cheese, white eggs, humus dips which will be updated on our website Ice cream is available at Fiss mountain restaurants (Moseralm and Bergdiamant)